(Mé)lire La Déclosion : au nom de Jacques Derrida


  • Isabelle Alfandary University of Paris Est Créteil


Deconstruction, Christianity, mourning, address, reading, violence, wink, Derrida, Jacques, Nancy, Jean-Luc


This article is an attempt to analyze the demonstrative logic in a collection of articles by Jean-Luc Nancy entitled La Déclosion : déconstruction du christianisme : 1 published soon after Jacques Derrida’s death. In this text of mourning, Nancy investigates the connection and potential affinities uniting Christianity and deconstruction. He elaborates a thesis which he never explicitly formulates, addressing the late father of deconstruction in quite an unsettling and ambiguous way.

Author Biography

Isabelle Alfandary, University of Paris Est Créteil

Professor of American literature

