Lecture/Mélecture dans les romans de Jane Austen ou le défi lancé au lecteur


  • Sophie Naveau Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre


Austen, Jane, reading, misreading


This study questions the role played by readings and misreadings for the characters as well as for the reader of Jane Austen's novels. The characters have to deal with their misreadings and this kind of confrontation allows the reader to understand how the representation of their desires work. Readers themselves get entrapped in those misreadings when they try to identify to a unique discourse to make sure that their reading is the right one. However going through these misreadings is also precisely what allows the reader to overcome his security need and to reach a better understanding of Jane Austen's novels.

Author Biography

Sophie Naveau, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre

PhD student at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre (prepares a thesis on Jane Austen)

